Sunday, 7 October 2012


Well, well, well. I was once told by a wise woman, a cheater will always be a cheater. I didn't believe, probably because I was unsure. But, I personally do not believe in second chances. If you appreciated the first chance, second chance? What? You need no second chance. 

I then realized we are all only humans. We make mistakes. We always do. But if you knew how ugly the situation would be, think twice before you do or say something. Do not do something that makes you feel regretful and sorry after. Be very careful. Nope, I'm not only talking about relationships. In friendships and your relationships with everyone around you. Trust is something you earn from somebody and if you've worked hard to earn that one particular person's trust and you finally got it. Cherish it more. Do not take it for granted. 

Trust is hard, forgiveness is harder. Not every single time your "I am sorry" gets an "Its okay" in return. People tend to not take forgiveness very seriously these days. It takes a whole lot of courage to forgive somebody. You forgive because you still choose to believe in them deep under, you forgive because you believe your forgiveness means a lot to them, you forgive because you simply still want them in your life. When you forgive someone, you are also freeing yourself in a way. Being forgiving could be good and it could be bad. It takes maturity to know if one deserves your forgiveness at all. 

Be very careful on who you are planning to forgive because your forgiveness ain't cheap. Don't grant it to cheap people. Always know your values and standards, always know where you stand and keep your level high.

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